Future plan
Future Plan
- Conducting intensive fieldwork for language and cultural documentation in West Bengal, Tripura, Orrisa, Jharkhand & Bihar.
- Productizing language descriptions, map, tools, reports, primer and other resources.
- Research and Development of NLP focused on marginal languages.
- Video documentation and documentary production.
- Linguistic data validation from language experts.
- Community based workshops and socio-cultural reporting.
- To develop a language endangerment alarm to sensitize the society and speech communities.
- Studies on socio-economic status of marginal linguistic communities.
- Workshops with representatives of communities.
- Uploading Apps on various platforms for free download.
Long term Plan
- To setup a full-fledged interdisciplinary centre for marginal languages and cultural study.
- To setup a National Folklore Museum and online archive for the same.
- To develop academics and introduce various level of courses.
- To preserve linguistic and cultural diversity of the country.
- To assist in policy making for country and states.
- To develop various NLP systems for marginal languages or pairs.
- To explore Digital India in regional languages.
- To setup an online Language Information Hub for regional languages.
- To develop language learning tools and language games for cross-linguistic communities etc.